“We went down the hill”: Presentation
My new book of poems was presented on June 15th in the Casa della Musica by Enzo Santese, poet, a historian of literature and art critic, and by Claudia Azzola,…
My new book of poems was presented on June 15th in the Casa della Musica by Enzo Santese, poet, a historian of literature and art critic, and by Claudia Azzola,…
Bello ricordare oggi Titos Patrikios con un mi pezzo ispirato dall’intenso incontro con lui e con i giovani poeti del Concorso Internazionale di Poesia e Teatro Castello di Duino nell’anno…
on the border of hope, on the border of every pain, on the border between life and death, on the border between humanity and barbarism … She was only seven…
Trieste live. Interview on “Youth Culture and Institutions” V edition, the important Study Days organized by the International Study and Documentation Centre for youth culture on the theme “Giochi/ Play…
“The absurdity of the plot twist is therefore to be read as a fictitious absurd caused by the overly true coming to crush our conviction that things were as they…
“The President Donald Trump has alerted the army in view of the arrival of the caravan of 5 thousand migrants on October 13th from Honduras. It’s a “national emergency.” Sadly,…
“The fact is that these last two years, in various ways, have definitely marked the break-up of the war on our continent and have shown it also through those who…
For a critique of Ethics, state and power / to establish the “city” The World Youth Forum Right to Dialogue XI edition was held on theme “Ethics of complexity…
About Civil Obedience / Disobedience. For a critique of contemporary ethics. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE A strong theme of democracy, which has animated entire movements of which no one would…
“The trespasses begin within us and open us to a world that must be learned and built in dialogue ” Today an intense interview on the World Youth Forum Right…
Talking about the citizenship of the “minors” has immediately led to reflect on a fundamental difference in legal language, that between right to and right of. The “minor”, it has…
After a few years of life, study and fight against cancer I resume attending this site and in particular my “intellectual diary” made up of readings and meetings, dialogue and…
From “Lectuere on Serpent Ritual” cit. in Ernst H, Gombrich, Aby Warburg. An intellectual Biography ,1970 (italian transl.Una biografia intellettuale, Feltrinelli Milano 1983, p. 194): Quinto appunto Il mio punto…
Marvellous Schubert: sonata in A major D959 and Sonata in B flat major D960. Pianist Paul Lewis **** Thinking over “separation” and “transcendence” (from Totality and Infinity by Emmanuel Lévinas)
Da Paul Hazard, La crise de la conscience Europeenne (1935), trad. it Einaudi 1946 p. 483: Che cos’è l’Europa? Una forma contraddittoria, a un tempo rigida e incerta. Un groviglio…
From: Merio Scattola, Teologia Politica, 2007 p. 113: Il passo compiuto da Hpbbes è in realtà composto da due parti: da un problema di filosofia politica e da una tecnologia…
From Merio Scattola, Teologia politica, Bologna 2007 p.9 IN senso proprio o stretto si considerano come teologia politica solo quelle esperienze storiche che elaborano il nesso fra trascendenza e…
Carlo Galli, Introduzione alla edizione italiana di Thomas Hobbes, Leviatano (BUR 2011) p.XXXI: L’insieme dei credenti è la chiesa, ma è al tempo stesso lo Stato -il Leviatano è appunto…